Species: Ceropegia bulbosa
Accession Number
Sample Location: their natural habitat located in Gogalwadi village (NL18° 23′ 18′′/EL73° 52′ 43′′), near Pune, Maharashtra, India.
Sample Part: leaf, stem, fower, pod, tuber, root
Sequencing platform: Illumina NextSeq 500
Sequencing data: Cblf sample, 34972667 clean reads. Cblt, 31437493 clean reads. Cbbf, 29915305 clean reads. Cbbt, 25920148 clean reads.
Assembly and Annotation
Assembly software: Trinity
Assembly result: Cbbf: 69,584 transcripts, with average Length of 1,043.3 bp, N50 value of 1,558 bp. Cbbt: 59,862 transcripts, with average Length of 1,076.8 bp, N50 value of 1,616 bp. Cblf: 69,705 transcripts, with average Length of 1,034.4 bp, N50 value of 1,545 bp. Cblt: 58,271 transcripts, with average Length of 1,090 bp, N50 value of 1,619 bp.
Annotation Method: KEGG, GO, COG
Gharat S A , Shinde B A , Mule R D , et al. High-throughput metabolomic and transcriptomic analyses vet the potential route of cerpegin biosynthesis in two varieties of Ceropegia bulbosa Roxb[J]. Planta, 2020, 251(1).