Species,"Ceropegia bulbosa" "Sample Location","their natural habitat located in Gogalwadi village (NL18° 23′ 18′′/EL73° 52′ 43′′), near Pune, Maharashtra, India." "Sample Part","leaf, stem, fower, pod, tuber, root" "Sequencing platform","Illumina NextSeq 500" "Sequencing data","Cblf sample, 34972667 clean reads. Cblt, 31437493 clean reads. Cbbf, 29915305 clean reads. Cbbt, 25920148 clean reads." "Assembly software",Trinity "Assembly result","Cbbf: 69,584 transcripts, with average Length of 1,043.3 bp, N50 value of 1,558 bp. Cbbt: 59,862 transcripts, with average Length of 1,076.8 bp, N50 value of 1,616 bp. Cblf: 69,705 transcripts, with average Length of 1,034.4 bp, N50 value of 1,545 bp. Cblt: 58,271 transcripts, with average Length of 1,090 bp, N50 value of 1,619 bp." "Annotation Method","KEGG, GO, COG"