Species: Dysphania schraderiana





Common Name

Ju Ye Xiang Li


Dysphania schraderiana, in the Chenopodiaceae family, is widely distributed in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau of China, Europe, and Africa. The adaptation of D. schraderiana to these extreme environments can be a good model for understanding evolutionary ecology. Besides, D. schraderiana was used as an indicator of fixed sand because of its high adaption to environmental adversities. Apart from its ecological value, the plant is used in a variety of applications such as medicine and insect control. In traditional Chinese medicine, D. schraderiana is used to mitigate wheeze, inflammation, spasm, migraine. Some recent studies indicated that the essential oil of D. schraderiana could be applied to prevent plant mite. In addition, the essential oil of D. schraderiana also has in vitro antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli, as well as anti-insect activity against red flour beetle and corn weevil.