Species,"Melastoma malabathricum" "Sample Location","in the Guangzhou Institute of Landscape Gardening (Guangdong, China) in July 2016" "Sample Part","purple and white flower" "Sequencing platform","Illumina HiSeq 4000" "Sequencing data","purple: 201,528,072 raw reads, 195,675,054 clean reads. White: 185,922,896 raw reads, 180,277,772 clean reads." "Assembly software",Trinity "Assembly result","purple: 52,498 unigenes, average length of 1,057 bp, N50 of 1,906 bp. white: 49,380 unigenes, average length of 1,056 bp, N50 of 1,929 bp." "Annotation Method","Nr, SwissProt, COG, KEGG, Pfam"