Species,"Artemisia annua" "Sample Location","National Gene Bank for Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (NGBMAP) maintained at the Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in India" "Sample Part","leaf under four different stress conditions: cold, drought, salt and water-logging" "Sequencing platform","Illumina NextSeq 500" "Sequencing data","32,931,686\45,836,540\64,825,268\65,407,218 and 73,341,744 raw reads from control, salt, cold, drought and water-logging stress" "Assembly software",Trinity "Assembly result","total 89,362 transcripts for control sample while 81,328 (salt), 76,337 (cold), 90,470 (drought) and 96,493 (water-logging) transcripts were obtained in different stress samples. The average transcript lengths were of 1198.4, 1032.6, 1001.7, 1008.7 and 1014.3 bp with respective N50 of 1,697, 1,491, 1,396, 1,424 and 1,438 for control, salt, cold, drought and water-logging stress samples." "Annotation Method","UniProt, GO, KEGG, Nr"