Species,"Neoalsomitra integrifoliola" "Sample Location","Xishuangbanna Prefecture, Yunnan Province, China " "Sample Part","root, stem, old leaf, young leaf and flower" "Sequencing platform","Illumina Hiseq 4000" "Sequencing data","992,531,130 raw reads with a total data of 148,879,669,500 bp (148.88 Gb), and 991,129,426 clean reads with a total data of 148,099,594,949 bp (148.10 Gb)" "Assembly software",Trinity "Assembly result","69,287 unigenes with an average length of 1,074 bp and an N50 length of 1,585 bp, unigenes lengths ranged from 201–16,786 bp, and total assembled bases of 74,438,092 bp." "Annotation Method","Nr, SwissProt, COG/KOG, Pfam, SMART, plant TFdb, PRGdb, GO, KEGG"