Species: Taxus yunnanensis

Accession Number



Sample Location: cultivar Zd2 (established by vegetative propagation) were grown in the fields of Songkou town Meizhou, Guangdong China (40° 01 N’ 116° 16’ E)

Sample Part: needle, branch and root


Sequencing platform: Illumina HiSeq 2000

Sequencing data: 30,048,566, 31,282,310 and 31,513,946 raw reads

Assembly and Annotation

Assembly software: Trinity

Assembly result: a total of 24,229,442, 23,662,085 and 23,369,760 reads were mapped in the root, branch, and needle respectively. Among the mapped reads, 17,925,541, 16,998,853 and 17,028,029 could be uniquely mapped to the assembled transcriptome while 6,303,899, 6,663,232 and 6,341,731 were mapped to multiple positions on reference transcriptome in the root, branch, and needle respectively.

Annotation Method: NR, KEGG, Swiss-Prot, GO, COG


Mubeen S , Li Z L , Huang Q M , et al. Comparative Transcriptome Analysis Revealed the Tissue-Specific Accumulations of Taxanes among Three Experimental Lines of Taxus yunnanensis[J]. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2018, 66(40): 10410-10420.

