Species: Dysphania schraderiana
Accession Number
Sample Location: the new campus of Tibet University (N29°38’, E91°10’), Lhasa, Tibet
Sample Part: Whole flowers and young leaves
Sequencing platform: Illumina Hiseq 4000
Sequencing data: 8,589,570 raw reads from leaves and 26,126,142 raw reads from flowers
Assembly and Annotation
Assembly software: Trinity
Assembly result: 48,908 transcripts with an average length of 873.13 bp and an N50 of 1450 bp, and a total of 40,412 unigenes.
Annotation Method: Nr, Pfam, String, Swissprot, COG, KEGG
Fu S H, Lei M, Zhang Y Q, et al. De novo transcriptome analysis of Tibetan medicinal plant Dysphania schraderiana[J]. Genetics and Molecular Biology Online Ahead of Print.