Species: Ocimum basilicum/Ocimum sanctum
Accession Number
Sample Location: Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants CSIR, Lucknow, India
Sample Part: leaf
Sequencing platform: Illumina HiSeq 2000
Sequencing data: 16 million reads (12.2 Gb)
Assembly and Annotation
Assembly software: CLC genomics workbench
Assembly result: Mapped reads 52,152, average transcript lengths ranged from 1363 to 1964 bp.
Annotation Method: GO, KEGG
Chandra M, Kushwaha S, Sangwan N S. Comparative transcriptome analysis to identify putative genes related to trichome development in Ocimum species[J]. Molecular Biology Reports, 2020, 47(9): 6587-6598.