
Ficus microcarpa, also known as Chinese banyan, Malayan banyan, is a tree in the fig family Moraceae. It is native in a range from China through tropical Asia and the Caroline Islands to Australia. The plant is also used in traditional medicine in India, Malaysia, China and Japan. This plant is traditionally used among others against the flu, the malaria, bronchitis and rheumatism. The pharmacological properties of F. microcarpa would include antioxidant activities, antibacterial, anticarcinogen and anti-diabetic agents.

Scientific classitication

Family: Moraceae

Genus: Ficus

Common Name

Chinese banyan


Zhang X, Wang G, Zhang S, et al. Genomes of the Banyan Tree and Pollinator Wasp Provide Insights into Fig-Wasp Coevolution. Cell. 2020;183(4):875-889.e17. doi:10.1016/j.cell.2020.09.043